My brain has been in overdrive all day. Medication isn’t helping so I’m going to have to suffer through a few days of trying less...
Nope, I’m still knocked out. I went out for a meal with some friends and had to go to sleep afterwards. I’m trying not to...
Yesterday’s spell really took it out of me. But I managed to stay awake the whole day and eat some meals. I was actually pretty...
Writing didn’t happen, but sickness did! I started feeling yuck around 1 PM and ended up sleeping for a few hours, woke up feeling the...
Look how cute my laptop looks! So very grateful for the help I’ve gotten this month. It’s been really helping my stress levels. I also...
I went back to sleep after the cats woke me to eat at 4. Got up at 6 something and was tired all day. 3...
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