diary Dear Diary – February 10, 2019 Ginny10/02/201911/02/2019 I tried to take the day off and I managed to take a break after 4 hours of work and that was okay for another...
diary Dear Diary – February 9, 2019 Ginny09/02/201910/02/2019 Had humans over and we ate some food and drank some stuff and now I am washed up for bed. I haven't shaken out the...
diary Dear Diary – February 8, 2019 Ginny08/02/201909/02/2019 What a crap day. Not horrific for me, but just generally bad for a lot of us. I haven't been able to focus all day,...
diary Dear Diary – February 7, 2018 Ginny07/02/201908/02/2019 I just had a sneezing fit. Allergies are jerks. Okay, what's up. Nothing terribly interesting. I grabbed a happy hour beer with a friend. I...
diary Dear Diary – February 6, 2019 Ginny06/02/201907/02/2019 What was I saying about getting sucked into something this morning? This time it was some white woman who signed up on a community of...
diary Dear Diary – February 5, 2019 Ginny05/02/201906/02/2019 The Mr. Rogers documentary is in my regular rotation of comfort watches. Not sure what that says about me considering how dark some of it...