diary Dear Diary – May 7, 2019 Ginny07/05/201908/05/2019 Home from dogsitting! I think I have a whole week before I have to do it again? I soldier on. I was as productive as...
diary Dear Diary – May 6, 2019 Ginny06/05/201907/05/2019 Woke up with the same headache I went to sleep with. So took some allergy meds and went back to sleep and was then okay...
diary Dear Diary – May 5, 2019 Ginny05/05/201906/05/2019 Did some outside time and some other human time. I don't need to get to the dogs until tomorrow and that's my last night. Thank...
diary Dear Diary – May 4, 2019 Ginny04/05/201905/05/2019 I managed to not leave the house today and get some cleaning done. I like sleeping in my bed. It's much better than other beds....
diary Dear Diary – May 3, 2019 Ginny03/05/201904/05/2019 I could not get started today. Definitely brain fog from lack of sleep. I fell asleep twice during the day. So let's all wish me...
diary Dear Diary – May 2, 2019 Ginny02/05/201903/05/2019 Getting only 5-6 hours of sleep instead of 7-8 is taking a toll. After I got home from the dogs this morning I found Benny...