diary Dear Diary – June 18, 2019 Ginny18/06/201919/06/2019 Writing this while the sun is still up before I have another mood swing and dip back into omg what the fuck depression. So, I...
diary Dear Diary – June 17, 2019 Ginny17/06/201918/06/2019 Okay so today wasn't super productive but I did dishes and things so I'm not completely off the rails. Just still not very focused. Tomorrow...
diary Dear Diary – June 16, 2019 Ginny16/06/201917/06/2019 I managed to muck up my sleeping and eating schedule with a nap. Why does a nap make me not want to eat? I don't...
diary Dear Diary – June 15, 2019 Ginny15/06/201916/06/2019 Aahh I saw people today and it was A Lot. Yes, there is a snake loose in the neighborhood. I hope the family get their...
diary Dear Diary – June 14, 2019 Ginny14/06/201915/06/2019 Well, something is wrong. Today was a lot for some reason and then around 7 PM Benny was doing his yelling and I just snapped...
diary Dear Diary – June 13, 2019 Ginny13/06/201914/06/2019 Did I manage to stay awake the entire day? No. Did I manage to stay off the computer? No. Did I get work done? Yes....