diary Dear Diary – November 25, 2019 Ginny25/11/201926/11/2019 In a very French turn of events, the person who was supposed to come read the electric meter so the bill can be properly sorted...
diary Dear Diary – November 24, 2019 Ginny24/11/201925/11/2019 So after the addition of a small rug and proper trash can I think this part of the house is "finished". Not pictured: the massive...
diary Dear Diary – November 23, 2019 Ginny23/11/201924/11/2019 Did a trek to some stores today. Got exciting items like a trash can and cat litter. But also exciting items like a shelf for...
diary Dear Diary – November 22, 2019 Ginny22/11/201923/11/2019 I feel like half my life is spent going to the grocery store now. But atleast I get exercise and pretty views. What else did...
diary Dear Diary – November 21, 2019 Ginny21/11/201922/11/2019 I left my hair double french braided for multiple days and so I got this amazing crimped mermaid hair for a bit. eww what is...
diary Dear Diary – November 20, 2019 Ginny20/11/201921/11/2019 Another day of errands. First to a town over to retrieve a package containing some window film so now my weird neighbors can't stare at...