diary Dear Diary – May 31, 2020 Ginny31/05/202001/06/2020 It'll be June tomorrow and I've been waiting for mail that was sent in April. La Poste is my enemy and they will pay. It's...
diary Dear Diary – May 30, 2020 Ginny30/05/202031/05/2020 Today was clean the house day. Which I did. Even though I was not in the mood. I got it done at like 8:30 in...
diary Dear Diary – May 29, 2020 Ginny29/05/202030/05/2020 It's weird not to be inside America while it's on fire. There is, not guilt, but some sort of feeling for not being there, even...
diary Dear Diary – May 28, 2020 Ginny28/05/202029/05/2020 Ahh. What the fuck day is it? Thursday? What even are Thursdays? I had a nap and my friends and I went for a 2...
diary Dear Diary – May 27, 2020 Ginny27/05/202028/05/2020 Today my friend had a car rental so I snuck in some heavy lifting groceries: cat litter and food, rice, bathroom cleaner, and a jar...
diary Dear Diary – May 26, 2020 Ginny26/05/202027/05/2020 Today we took at trip to the hardware store. I got some square shelf things. Now my boxes of tea are in a box. A...