diary Dear Diary – May 11, 2019 Ginny11/05/201912/05/2019 Third night in a row with asthma so bad I was considering hospital. For some reason my albuterol just won't do anything. I have to...
diary Dear Diary – May 10, 2019 Ginny10/05/201911/05/2019 I'm currently in the middle of a panic thing. So I don't feel too much like typing. I was sick all day. Let's try again...
diary Dear Diary – May 9, 2019 Ginny09/05/201910/05/2019 I was up at 3AM with asthma nonsense. Luckily I am not out of albuterol yet. So I have been a bit tired. I had...
diary Dear Diary – May 8, 2019 Ginny08/05/201909/05/2019 Aaaaaaaah. I have been all over the place. I need to do some proper scheduling and sort myself this week. Time for some lists! MMmm...
diary Dear Diary – May 7, 2019 Ginny07/05/201908/05/2019 Home from dogsitting! I think I have a whole week before I have to do it again? I soldier on. I was as productive as...
diary Dear Diary – May 6, 2019 Ginny06/05/201907/05/2019 Woke up with the same headache I went to sleep with. So took some allergy meds and went back to sleep and was then okay...