diary Dear Diary – March 12, 2019 Ginny12/03/201913/03/2019 I didn't manage to stay off my computer this evening, from about noon to 5 PM I managed. The problem is that my spine made...
diary Dear Diary – March 11, 2019 Ginny11/03/201912/03/2019 Cat walks into the vet and says "It hurts when I attack my tail" and the vet says "stop doing that. and also you're a...
diary Dear Diary – March 10, 2019 Ginny10/03/201911/03/2019 Thanks, daylight saving! You tricked Benny into waking me at 5:30 instead of 4:30 AM. I got a bit of writing done (and lost some...
diary Dear Diary – March 9, 2019 Ginny09/03/201910/03/2019 Well, today kind of didn't work. My uterus decided to to be rude so I've been in various kinds of pain throughout the day and...
diary Dear Diary – March 8, 2019 Ginny08/03/201909/03/2019 Another week working for Funkwhale, and it has been wholly not sucky. I'm very suspicious. Only two weeks so far, so let's play it safe...
diary Dear Diary – March 7, 2018 Ginny07/03/201908/03/2019 So of course I didn't manage to take the day off, but I didn't work too much. I also did some good brainstorming work, and...