There were fireworks last night. 0/10, I would ban all fireworks from the universe if it were possible. My OCD/Anxiety brain has decided that the...
Georgie is running on her foot again. Limping drama concluded. This heat wave is looking not awesome. I am out of ice cream. Please send...
It’s fucking hot. I’m listening to a book about birds, and I am learning some crazy shit. Like there’s one type of bird that screams...
Managed a grocery run this morning. It’s going to be over 90F this week (remember, no aircon in French houses) so I needed ice cream....
I hate this napping and feeling tired thing. I know some of it is that my animals refuse to let me sleep until 6AM currently...
My beautiful idiot dog ran up a newly plowed to flush out some pigeons and then tripped and hurt her foot on the way back...
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