“fill a king with meat and treats and let your dog go to town, they’ll be kept busy for a while” they meant “kong”, but...
Took Georgie out with Javert for a walk. Of course mud happened. Mud always happens. There is only mud from now until who knows. A...
I am so bored with my appearance. Partly that’s because I simply have no reason to to look nice, especially because it’s winter so hats...
They relax, I clean. Rearranged the laundry/litter box area. Did a bunch of laundry. Washed my hair. So many chores, yet still so much. Always....
Most spoiled dog on planet. At least it isn’t freezing. I like when it’s not freezing. Has anyone figured out how to make friends yet?...
I have been eating ramen too much. Georgie associates me making ramen with her getting a snack, so now if I make ramen she starts...