a cocker spaniel laying on a person

The good news is that I didn’t end up in the hospital this time. While it was scary to have an attack while out walking, far away from my house with my dog (I had an inhaler with me I was huffing the whole time, but my severe attacks don’t respond much to them), I managed to get back home and get enough albuterol and steroid in me to stave off the ER. I had already been woken up at 3AM that morning with breathing problems, so I was more than a little exhausted.

That night I didn’t sleep much and instead was kept up with night sweats and horrific heart palpitations because sucking on albuterol all day will do that to you.

The next day I attempted to take it easy, looking forward to a proper night’s sleep with washed sheets and a shower. But that was not to be, as Georgie (my 9 month old puppy) suddenly got sick in the evening. I won’t go into detail, but I had to use phrases like “bloody firehose” and “horror film”. This meant sleeping in the kitchen with her so I could get her out the door when she was ill.

By the next morning it was Sunday, which meant calls to the emergency vet were the only option. I was concerned with her being dehydrated since she was obviously losing all the fluids in her body while not drinking much water but the vet line said to wait until Monday to bring her in.

She loves to be in my lap.

And so we did, or rather we brought her in (which involves getting her to the train, on the train, off the train, and to the vet with huge flights of stairs both ways with Georgie being super sicky) and they didn’t have time to see us so we had to go home and come back in the evening. Finally we saw a vet and got the poor, fevered puppy some drugs.

That was Monday, it’s now Wednesday. Georgie is feeling much better and I was able to sleep in my bed finally last night, though not as long as I’d like. I still need a few days recovery, as does Georgie. I’m currently getting winded by just going up and down stairs and am in a lot of pain. But we live, and I’ll get back to the Daily Diary tonight.

If anyone has a want to help us with bills and whatnot as we recover, I would more than appreciate it. I’m running on fumes in every sense of the sentiment. Love you all, talk soon. <3

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