a lemon on a glass lemon squeezer thingy

The first part of this is not a perfect metaphor. My brain is more like a dried out sponge that could be reused with a good soak, but the later part works only with the former, because in this scenario the lemon juice is finished writing and the scurvy is poverty? My various medical conditions?

And also if it were a sponge, what would I need to soak it in? Motivation? Ideas? An assortment of recreational and/or prescription drugs? Lemon juice?

I currently have no lemons. Lemons are heavy and I have to walk my groceries for multiple kilometers every week. Maybe when the local farm opens back up for spring I will have a chance to get lemons.

I just read something the other day that said taking vitamins will increase your risk of cancer. I don’t know enough about science to know why this is and how your body knows the vitamin you are giving it is coming from a pill instead of an apple. Or a glass of lemonade. I cannot be be bothered to look it up again. I have enough to worry about.

The point is that relying on people to want to help me stay alive is very stressful and sometimes you have a PTSD setback and need time to recover but if you don’t constantly make a show of working people will no longer want to help you stay alive and also you just separated from the last channel you had to reach some people to ask for help so you cannot stop thinking about other ways to “reach” people when the concept of needing to “reach” people in a marketing sense because the capitalism monster demands blood sacrifice makes you want to throw up a little bit.

And so really I need the lemon juice so I can make lemonade and try to sell it on the side of the road for money to buy more lemons to make more lemonade to sell on the side of the road to to buy more lemons to make more lemonade to sell on the side of the road.

Because life can’t just give you lemons. That’s communism.

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