dark green corduroy shorts on a white lady in a yellow shirt

Corduroy shorts. Shorturoy? Corts? It looks like a skirt, but it is shorts.

As with most vintage finds, I need to wear a belt with it, but I think it would need one anyway to look decent. I know I said I was posting 2/3 of my corduroy collection last time, but I think I may have found one more thing to add. So that makes this 3/4. (see: Yellow Corduroy Trousers, Blue-Green Corduroy Trousers)

Ginny, you ask, do you not have clothing in other fabrics? Surely you cannot live on corduroy alone. And this is true. I will continue onto the non-corduroy of my mostly second-hand/vintage wardrobe build once I post the last one hopefully coming in a week or so.

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