hot pink corduroy trousers being worn with a brown leather belt

Finally, we come to the end of the corduroy section of my under construction wardrobe. Should I have steamed out the wrinkles in these pants from them being rolled up in a drawer since I got them? No, because we’re in the middle of a heatwave and I’m not steaming clothes while sweating through my underwear.

Like a lot of my vintage clothes, these are either going to be rolled cuffs indefinitely or I’ll need to hem them. And they need a belt to stay up. But none of that makes these any less cute. Esprit brand, probably late 80s/early 90s?

They are just not for wearing in a heat wave. No one should wear corduroy in a heat wave. Please let us reverse climate damage soon so we don’t lose our corduroy wearing weather.

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