I sat down to write, feeling compelled to explain the soul-destroying isolation and abandonment of the past two years. Only after I started writing this...
There are times when your mental health problems compound on one another. Often, we are an ever-growing, ever-entwining ball of string lights that we’d rather...
Healthy people are the ones who should be doing all the work the rest of us are doing to fight this fascist nonsense.
Cat Lady Wants A Dog Soon after SARS-CoV-2 began to spread across the world, which for me was weeks after moving to rural France, I...
(Yes, I know that is a mouse pictured above and not a rat but listen, shut up.) You’ve probably come across reference to these experiments,...
Previously on Ginny Is Constantly Dying I was having such a good day on Saturday. My breathing had been bad for the past couple days,...