a white person wearing blue denim baggy bottom overalls tht have a yellow top and red piping with a geometrical pattern in a center round patch

Is “quirky” the right word?

Finally we leave the corduroy and move on to other secondhand/vintage finds. A couple little faults. There’s some light discoloration on the right side, but I think I could easily cover these with some patches. I’ll most likely find a round patch to put in that center spot as well. Considering removing the belt-loops as well. I cannot imagine wanting to wear these very comfy overalls with a belt.

I have a deep love of baggy, comfy trousers. And these are just fancy enough to not look super lazy. I love them. They were also marked as being a size medium-ish so I wasn’t expecting them to be baggier and not fit as well as they do. Happy surprise.

Sure, someone might say the big butt and primary colors going on here make me look like a large toddler. But fuck you, I’m off to go have some cookies and apple juice.

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