TERFs Are Nazi Scum Who Should Crawl Up Their Own Asshole And Die There

"Fuck TERFs" pin : https://cosmicqueers.com/pinsandbuttonsshop/pin26-dmrd7-f54yl-n36fa
"Fuck TERFs" pin : https://cosmicqueers.com/pinsandbuttonsshop/pin26-dmrd7-f54yl-n36fa

I have been running low on health and witticisms lately. But a writer’s gotta write and here’s what I feel like writing today. I do not write this to argue with anyone. I am not demanding to start a debate or write this to educate anyone. I’m just a cishet girl who has spent years studying Nazis and their crusade to destroy humanity (and more recently, their crusade to specifically destroy me has been a bit of a bother), sitting in front of her computer, in the mood tell fascist scum to get fucked ’cause this is my blog and I can say whatever shit I want.

I was raised by a woman who made an enormous effort with their limited means to make sure I didn’t turn out to be a bigoted piece of shit. We lived in a very (99%) white school district, but my mother (an elementary school teacher) taught in a much more diverse area and made sure I was there a lot, playing and interacting with many more types of people than I would have had access to back in the woods where we lived. She made sure my reading lists were filled with decent books. She took me to local Native American cultural education events. She was Christian, but had open and informed conversations about things like abortion and birth control before I was in my teens.

Those near to my age and older remember the time when the internet first began to seep into our homes. The sound of the buzzing and beeping from the 14.4k bps modem signaled a connection to whole parts of the world that a kid in rural Pennsylvania couldn’t imagine, and I was given free range to explore. Most of my discovering was in Sailor Moon chat rooms. And it was there I met my first (openly) gay friend. He lived a couple states away and was a few years older. In contrast to what other kids’ parents were preaching about scary strangers on the internet, my mom helped arrange for my friend to come visit us.

I understand that not everyone was given opportunities like this as a child. Some people were not raised with any value on empathy or were taught with fear, to fear. Many have been indoctrinated with hate without knowing it. I sympathize. I really do. But there is no excuse for being a fascist. If you haven’t already for whatever reason, it’s time for you to grow the fuck up and read a history book.

Trans people are a historical target of Nazis. They were and still are a drastically marginalized and abused part of our society. This isn’t new or secret information. This is stuff you could look up yourself, talk to anyone who has studied Nazi Germany or fascism in any way, or just talk to a Trans person. Though that last one probably won’t work because you most likely aren’t friendly with many Trans people if you are convinced they want to sneak up on you in the bathroom for some reason. (Seriously, that shit is so weird, people just want to pee and poo in peace.)

The foolishness of buying into right-wing propaganda and the demonizing of Trans people in the name of “women’s rights” would be laughable if it weren’t so evil. You look at it and you think “no one could possibly buy into this nonsense unless they purposely have ignored all of history and science and lived inside a hermetically sealed bubble for their entire lives” and yet, somehow, here we are with this shit.

TERFs are mostly just a group of disgruntled women who got kicked out of their book club because they wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Harry Potter and decided to make everyone suffer for it. They are a loud, dangerous pawn of right-wing extremists that can’t see beyond their refurbished hausfrau moral panic whose playbook is written by men who are laughing all the way to the patriarchal bank as these scared, insecure “adult human females” cut down their own autonomy by attempting to destroy other women.

But I digress again into trying to explain. I’m not here to explain. I’m just here to tell you that TERFs are embarrassing and wrong, and if y’all don’t stop being so shitty or crawl up your own ass and die soon, I’m afraid the other options you are left with are not ones you or your Nazi pals will enjoy. I promise you, if you are sitting there thinking Hitler had some good ideas, it is better for all of us if you do as suggested and start the journey up your own anus.

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