a fair skinned person holding a pen and writing on white paper

I guess this is a yearly rant now. I continue to have very important words for the fascists masquerading as women’s rights activists.

Dear “Gender Criticals”,

You dull-witted, hate mongering foot soldiers of fascism. You boot-licking, past-century lingering farts of Josef Mengele. You skidmarks of humanity.

All fascists are repulsive, but there is special piece of rage I keep for you fakey feminists. Y’all are so over-the-top bonkerballs hateful of reality and in denial of your own fucked up issues, it’s impossible for me not to wish for your quick and speedy demise via blunt trauma to the head from the boomerangs of violence you keep throwing around.

You have no worldly idea just how wrong you are, and just how large a comeuppance is going to find you in the end. To be as disgusting as someone like you, someone who rejects reason, honesty, history, and the bare minimum of respect for other people and instead peddles lies and genocide, is not something you can hide. Everyone can smell your sewer-logged panties, and the only people you will ever attract will be those who have become nose-blind to the odor by also spending their time roasting in shit.

You will never, deep down, be truly happy or feel wholly loved by another person, and that pleases me. I revel in glow of the unfulfilling life you have chosen for yourself.

A justice would be for you lose whatever part of your existence you believe your gender grants you. Until that inevitability, may you know only scorn, your presence an unwelcome blight on any who misfortune to cross your path and a poison to those you care for. May you never know peace, you ugly, perverted excuse for a fellow human.

You are an abomination, a horrible mistake, a plague on your community and family.




Get fucked, nazi scum.


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